Constitutional, Election, and Public Policy Litigation

Zimolong LLC is a law firm built to support free enterprise and the United States Constitution. In 2022, City and State Pennsylvania magazine ranked founding partner Wally Zimolong as one of the Top 100 attorneys in Pennsylvania shaping state and national politics. Our firm's lawyers are life-long activist in the conservative movement. They have represented numerous state and federal elected officials and candidates, political parties, and political action committees. Our firm's attorneys are active members of the Federalist Society and the Republican National Lawyers Association. We have appeared on Steve Bannon's War Room, Newsmax, OANN, Fox 29, WPHT 1210 AM, and 990 AM WNTP to discuss increasing government encroachment on individual liberty.  We have litigated numerous noteworthy constitutional, election, and “anti-woke” cases, including:  

Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc., et al. v. Bucks County Board of Elections, Lead counsel to the Presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump and the Republican National Committee in landmark litigation against the Bucks County Board of Elections obtaining a special and preliminary injunction requiring the Board of Elections to extend early voting in the County for two additional days. President Trump went on to win the County and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania which cemented his return to the White House as the 47th President of the United States. Jeremy Roebuck, Judge extends Bucks County’s in-person mail voting deadline until Friday, after Trump campaign lawsuit, Philadelphia Inquirer, October 30, 2024.

Hager v. Montgomery County Board of Elections. Lead counsel to plaintiff that challenge County's use of a mobile voter registration van. Obtained preliminary injunction against County requiring County to comply with Pennsylvania Election Code's requirement to post notice of the location of the van before County could utilize it. 

McCormick v. Bucks County Board of Elections. Lead counsel to United States Senator David McCormick in challenge to County Board of Election's decision to count illegal ballots that were cast in violation of the Pennsylvania Election Code and Pennsylvania Supreme Court precedent. After briefing and argument, the state trial court ruled in favor of Senator McCormick and overturned the decision of the County Board. 

McCormick v. Montgomery County Board of Elections. Lead counsel to United States Senator David McCormick and the Republican National Committee in lawsuit challenging County Board of Election's decision to illegal count ballot missing a signature from election officials. 

Republican National Committee v. Montgomery County Board of Elections. Lead counsel to the Republican National Committee in lawsuit challenging the County's decision to use mailed-in ballots that had not been properly tested through logic and accuracy testing. Litigation resulted in stipulated order mandating the County to conduct the testing. 

French, et al. v. County of Luzerne, Lead counsel to plaintiffs in federal court case against Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, arising from plaintiffs being unable to vote because of the County's failure to supply polling locations with sufficient ballots during the 2022 mid-term election. The case created a precedent setting ruling that election officials could be held liable for violations of voter's civil rights based on inadequate election administration training and procedure. Case resulted in a landmark settlement whereby the County agreed to enact specific election integrity policies and procedures and training protocols. 

NAACP, et. al. v. Schmidt, et. al. Counsel to the sixth largest county in Pennsylvania is federal court case regarding whether mailed ballot procedures violate the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Ball, et. al. v. Chapman, et. al. Counsel to amicus curiae in matter before the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania regarding whether the dating provisions of Pennsylvania's mailed ballot statute violated the materiality provision of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Jim Bognet v. Luzerne County Board of Elections. Engaged by the NRCC to bring an emergency petition for declaratory and injunctive relief on behalf of Jim Bognet and Bognet for Congress to force the Luzerne County Board of Elections to perform their statutorily required duty to perform voter roll reconciliation and provide the number of people who voted in each precinct compared with the number of votes counted in each precinct. After weeks of unwillingness to perform their duty, upon filing of the petition the county provided the campaign with the information the very next day.

Fraternal Order of Police, Pennsylvania Lodge, et. al. v. Township of Springfield., et. al. Counsel to the Fraternal Order of Police in federal civil rights litigation against a local municipality that banned the display of the 'Thin Blue Line American Flag." Obtained total victory for the FOP in which the United States District Court issued an permanent injunction against the municipality and declared the ordinance banning the Thin Blue Line American Flag unconstitutional.

NAACP, et. al. v. Schmidt, et. al. Counsel to the sixth-largest county in Pennsylvania in a federal civil rights complaint against the county that alleged it violated the Civil Rights Act for 1964. 

Elkin, et. al. v. The City of Philadelphia Commissioners, et. al. Counsel to two elected representatives in the Pennsylvania General Assembly in litigation against the City of Philadelphia's decision to remove a process that caught double votes. Litigation led to the city's resumption of the practice.

Romine, et. al. v. Chester County Board of ElectionsLead counsel in case against board of elections to secure mailed and absentee ballot drop boxes. Litigation led to implementation of the most stringent drop box security measures in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Auslander v. Tredyffrin-Eastown School District. Lead counsel to plaintiff in federal civil rights case that resulted recovery of 166 pages of documents proving school district taught critical race theory in school. 

Sargent v. School District of Philadelphia. Co-lead counsel to group of parents seeking preliminary injunction against the racially discriminatory admissions policy for Philadelphia's criteria-based high schools. 

Toth, et. al. v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Co-lead counsel to group of plaintiffs in action seeking a preliminary injunction against use of judicially created Congressional map.

McLinko v. Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaLead counsel to plaintiff in action that declared no-excuse mailed voting (Act 77) unconstitutional under the Pennsylvania Constitution.

State of Texas v. U.S., S.D.TX (No. 6:21-cv-00003). Counsel to amicus curie, Advocates for Illegal Alien Crime (“AVIAC”). Authored brief in support of the State of Texas' motion for a preliminary injunction against the Biden Administration's policy of suspending deportations of illegal aliens.

Niehls, et. al. v. Montgomery County Board of Commissioners, et. al. (Montgomery County 2020).  Represented group of parents seeking preliminary injunction against local government's order closing all public, private, and parochial schools because the local government agency violated the Sunshine Act by holding secret meetings and failing to provide the public with proper notice.

Pirkle, et. al. v. Boockvar (M.D.Pa. 2020). Lead Pennsylvania counsel to plaintiffs in a case brought in federal court that sought to challenge the results of the 2020 Presidential election in Pennsylvania based on reports of sever irregularities and deviations from the Pennsylvania Election Code.

Woodruff v. Philadelphia County Board of Elections, et. al. (Phila.CCP. 2020) Case for mandamus brought on the eve of the 2020 Presidential election that challenged the Philadelphia County Board of Election's decisions to deviate from the Pennsylvania Election Code regarding the processing of mail in ballots. The case challenged the Board's authority to (a) accept mail in ballot applications past the statutorily imposed deadline, (b) notify voters that their ballot was defective and providing them with an opportunity to cure, and (c) issue replacement ballots instead of provisional ballots.

Equal Protection. Paradise Concepts, Inc., et. al. v. Governor Thomas W. Wolf, et. al. (E.D.Pa. 2020) In a case that has received significant media attention, Wally is lead counsel in a class action lawsuit against the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and other state actors concerning the constitutionality of COVID-19 related lock down orders. The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and is docketed at 2:20-cv-02161.

Road-Con, Inc., et. al. v. City of Philadelphia, et. al. (E.D.Pa 2020). In this case, Wally's clients challenged the City of Philadelphia's use of project labor agreements, which required city contractors to hire all employees from city selected unions and that required all employees to become members of those unions as a condition of employment. In a first of its kind decision, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled the city's project labor agreements violated the First Amendment by compelling union membership and the payment of union dues.

Smith v. NJEA, 425 F.Supp.3d 366 (D.NJ. 2019). In this case, Wally's clients challenged the legality of New Jersey's Workplace Democracy Enhancements Act, which set forth a restrictive procedure for public sector employees to resign union membership.  The federal court agreed that the act most likely violated the First Amendment, but dismissed based on standing.  The case is currently on appeal to the Third Circuit.

LaSpina v. SEIU Pennsylvania State Council (M.D.Pa. 2019). In this case, Wally's clients brought a class action lawsuit against various government agencies and public sector unions alleging that they violated the First Amendment rights of public sector employees by compelling payment of union dues as a condition of employment. Case is currently on appeal to the Third Circuit.

Feibush v. Johnson, 203 F.Supp. 3d 489 (E.D.Pa. 2016).  This case involved a high profile dispute between a real estate developer and former political rival of a City of Philadelphia councilmember. The suit alleged that the councilmember retaliated against the plaintiff because the plaintiff decided to oppose him in an election.  After a week long trial, a jury gave a landmark verdict and unanimously ruled that the councilmember violated the First Amendment rights of Wally's client.

Pawlucy v. The School District of Philadelphia, et. al. (E.D.Pa. 2:12-cv-07134). In a case that garnered international media attention, Wally represented a Philadelphia high school student who was forcibly removed from class and verbally harassed by a teacher because she wore a t-shirt supporting the candidacy of Mitt Romney for president.  The case settled for a confidential amount.

Bullard v. City of Philadelphia, 847 F.Supp.2d 711 (E.D.Pa. 2012). In this case, Wally brought suit on behalf of a real estate developer whose property was demolished by the City of Philadelphia without notice or an opportunity to be heard in violation of his client's Fourteenth Amendment right to due process. The federal court granted summary judgment in favor of his client and the case later settled for $140,000.